Duo TOPOS, the piano duo formed by Mika Teranagane and Akihiro Takiyama in 2015, is the winner of many piano competitions for piano duo, including the 1st prize (grand prix) and Neyagawa Mayor Prize in 2015 Neyagawa City Arukas Piano Competition, the 1st prize in 2016 Akira Miyoshi Piano Competition, the 1st prize in 2017 Pan Pacific Contemporary Music Competition, the 2nd prize in 2018 XXI International Music Competition “Pietro Argento,” the Outstanding Musicians Award and Denisow Special Mention in IBLA GRAND PRIZE International Competition, and the Special Jury Award in 14th Contemporary Music Performers Competition “Kyogaku XⅣ,” .

The Duo TOPOS has been performing innovative programs of contemporary music throughout Japan and Europe since 2015. Mika Teranagane and Akihiro Takiyama perform cutting-edge new works and masterpieces of the 20th and 21st century for piano four-hands. We devote ourselves to an unconventional repertoire, open to all suggestions of experimental nature.
Mika Teranagane, born in Sapporo, Japan, studied Music at Hokkaido University of Education in Sapporo(Master's Degree), is the winner of many piano competitions, including the 1st prize in 2013 NOVYI International Music Competition, the 2nd prize (silver medal highest) in Modern Contemporary Music Competition, and the 3rd prize in Romanian International Music Competition. She received the best performer’s award in the Franz Liszt Academy of Music Seminar in 2008, and held the recital in the music festival of the Budapest spring (Hungary).
Akihiro Takiyama, born in Tottori, Japan, studied Medicine at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine (M.D., Ph.D.), is the winner of many piano competitions, including the 1st prize in 2015 OSAKA International Music Competition, the 1st prize in 2015 European International Piano Competition in Japan, the 2nd prize (highest) in 2013 The Great Wall of China International Music Competition, the 3rd prize (highest) in 2015 Japan Classical Music Competition, and he performed Scriabin’s Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op.20 with the orchestra.